about me

if you are interested

For 40 years I have been making pictures about

technical things, family, landscapes and of animals as well.
In this long time everything has remained only the focal points.
And of course the technology has changed.

Of course, my passion for photography never died out
even if there were occasional breaks.
Sometimes life just doesn't give you the time.

Good photography is not really dependent on technique,
but good technique can make so many things easier.
I was able to experience this again a few days ago,
when I bought my Nikon Z6.

See what you do.
Sharpness and resolution if you need them in the picture.
Good colors and a high dynamic range make so many things easier.

You can simply forget a piece of technology
and concentrate on the essentials......

on the picture and its effect

My photographic resume

Yes, that's it

 It all started back then, when I was a student.
 My hobby started with a Canon AE1 analogue SLR camera.
 In that time I made about 3000 slides.

Switch to digital photography with a Fuji Finepix 4800Z.

 I digitized my 3000 slides.
 It was very time consuming work.
 The method of photographing the slides in the projector was comparatively fast.
 But then I realized that many of my slides were badly damaged from storage.

Member of the "photo community".

I bought a Panasonic DMC-FZ50 after a long research.
 I'm simply delighted.
 Now I finally have all the functions that I had with my old SLR camera and much more.

My first website: www.Nessler-Photo.de

 My beloved FZ-50 was no longer enough for me.
 I now have a Nikon D300s with some accessories.
 Technically it is always better.
 But a good camera alone does not make good pictures.

In the meantime I was active in the photo community for a few years.
 That time in the photo community wasn't very satisfying for me though.
 Comments like "nice picture" or "nicely sharp" didn't really get me any further.

 In search of answers as to why an image works one way or another,
 I came across the internet forum "The Good Eye".
 So far I have had very good experiences there.
 I can finally learn and develop again.

 Now I've moved from the Palatinate to Munich.
 Let's see how the change in the world of motifs affects my photography.

 I have expired my membership of The Good Eye.
Somehow the air was out.

I don't really know why either.

 Another new website: www.Foto-Nessler.de
The development just goes on

My old dear D300s, acquired in 2010, got old so slowly.

So I bought a new camera.
This time full frame and mirrorless.
A Nikon Z6 with 24-70/4S and FTZ adapter.
I can use my old lenses again with the FTZ adapter.

Three of my five lenses are full-frame capable anyway.

Some great features allow me to focus more on the picture
and forgot the technology a bit.

I'm excited again.


I've been retired since the summer of 2022.
Now I have much more time for my hobby





Klaus-Peter Neßler

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